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Appalachian Midwifery

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—Whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord. Ps. 121:1-2
Serving Southern VA & WV
30 Years of Experience

Pregnancy Websites
This is a disclaimer. These are websites, books and podcasts, I felt you may find of value. I do not agree with all of the beliefs of the creators of each of these sites. Please study for yourself what is right for you.
Birth Preparation Websites, Videos, and Podcasts
The Business of being born a modern day documentary about business of birth in the hospital system
Indie Birth I am inspired by how normal pregnancy and birth are presented in this program.
The Birth Hour I Have been greatly blessed by these inspiring birth stories.
Spinning Babies I highly recommend learning health posture for you and your baby, prevent breech, prevent posterior or other poor positioning.
Midwifery Today Not just for the midwife great magazine.
Gentle Birth Midwife Ronnie Falcao is probably the best place to start for researching any birth related topic.
Dr. Sarah Buckley foremost doctor promoting Gentile Birth
Trust Birth if only we believed....
Unassisted Childbirth I am not a proponent of being alone while birthing. However, birth should be respected yet treated with out fear. So many powerful stories from these woman and many are forced to be alone because they can not find a caregiver that will let them birth naturally.
Birthing From Within a great place to start to over come past birth trauma.
Bradley Birth the Husband coached approach to childbirth
Dr. Mercola great articles about health
Websites for Moms
Kelly Mom Parenting and Breastfeeding One of the leading expert advice pages for Breastfeeding help.
Holistic Parenting
Ask Dr. Sears Pediatrician
Co Sleeping with your child New Zealand Study.
The Shape of a Mother
Finding a chiropractor for your child
Baby Reference articles
Websites Just for Dad
Dads Adventures
Strong Fathers
Circumcision Quotes
No Circumcision
No Harm
National Organization of Restoring Men
Circumcision Information
Intact American caring for the intact penis.
Attorneys for the Rights of the child
Kelly Mom Great Breastfeeding advice
La Leche Legue International
Breastfeeding after breast and nipple surgeries
International Lactation Consultant
Vaccines Information
Vaccine Liberation
Furthering Midwifery and Natural Childbirth
North American Registry of Midwives
National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
Midwives Alliance of North America
Big Push For Midwifery
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